
Recovering Compensation After a Sidewalk Accident in New Jersey

Though sidewalks are intended to be a safe place for pedestrians to walk, they can oftentimes become quite dangerous instead. If you are someone who has recently been involved in a sidewalk accident, there is a very good chance you are now seriously injured. Please read on to learn more about sidewalk accidents and how you may be able to recover the financial compensation you need for a swift recovery. Here are some of the questions you may have regarding the claims process going forward:

What causes sidewalk accidents?

Sidewalk accidents happen for a multitude of reasons, and though oftentimes, they are inevitable, there are several instances where a property owner’s negligence can be identified as the primary cause. Some of the most frequent causes of sidewalk accidents include loose debris, uneven or cracked surfaces, standing water, or weather-related safety hazards left unattended past the legally-acceptable timeframe.

How do I recover compensation after a sidewalk accident?

While many people tend to assume that their city or municipality is responsible for ensuring all sidewalks are safe, the truth is, sidewalks are often privately-owned. To sue a negligent party, you will have to hire an attorney who is capable of determining the negligent party, and then from there, effectively finding and presenting evidence to prove your personal injury claim. To prove that you were indeed injured due to another party’s negligence, our firm will work to recover security camera footage of your accident, pictures of the unsafe sidewalk conditions that caused your accident, police reports of the incident, medical documents regarding your injuries, and more.

What does the term “statute of limitations” mean?

The phrase “Statute of limitations” simply refers to the length of time an individual has to take legal action against another party. Since the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in New Jersey is two years, you will have two years from the date of your accident to sue a negligent property owner. If you wait any longer than the two-year limit, you will be barred from suing. Do not let this happen. Our firm is ready to fight for the compensation you need to get back on your feet once again.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

Our firm understands how serious criminal and personal injury cases are. We are prepared to guide you towards a favorable outcome because we believe false accusations or preventable injuries should never cause a person harm. This is why those who require experienced legal counsel in New Jersey should do themselves a favor and contact The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze today for any criminal and personal injury matters.

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