Personal Injury Settlements vs. Trials

When you suffer an injury due to someone else’s negligence, pursuing a personal injury claim can help you obtain compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.  The Law Office of Andrew Maze can help you understand these so you can make an informed decision in your personal injury case whether to accept a settlement or go to trial. 

The Pros of Settling a Personal Injury Case

  1. Faster Resolution:

One of the primary benefits of settling is the speed of resolution. Trials can take months, or even years, to conclude, whereas settlements can often be reached much more quickly. This allows you to receive compensation sooner, which is particularly beneficial if you’re facing ongoing medical expenses or financial hardship due to your injury.

  1. Reduced Stress:

Legal battles can be stressful and emotionally draining. Settling outside of court spares you the anxiety and pressure of a courtroom trial, cross-examinations, and public scrutiny. This can significantly reduce the emotional toll on you and your family.

  1. Certainty and Control:

Settling a case provides an expected outcome. Trials are unpredictable; even with a strong case and an experienced attorney like Andrew Maze, there’s no certainty of the amount of the award. A settlement gives you control over the compensation amount and terms, offering a clear and definite resolution.

  1. Lower Costs:

Trials can be expensive, with costs including attorney fees, court fees, and expert witness fees. Settling a case can substantially reduce these costs, allowing you to retain more of your compensation.

The Cons of Settling a Personal Injury Case

  1. Potentially Lower Compensation:

Insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts, so the settlement offer might be lower than what you could potentially receive from a trial verdict. If the initial offer is insufficient, you might have to negotiate, which can be challenging without legal expertise.

  1. No Admission of Liability:

In a settlement, the defendant typically does not admit liability. While this might not affect your compensation, it can be unsatisfying if you want the responsible party to be held accountable.

The Pros of Going to Trial

  1. Potential for Higher Compensation:

If you win at trial, the compensation awarded by a jury could be significantly higher than a settlement offer. Juries may also award punitive damages, which are meant to punish the defendant and deter future negligence.

  1. Public Accountability:

Trials are public, which means the defendant’s actions are exposed. This can lead to greater accountability and potentially prompt changes in behavior or policies to prevent future harm.

  1. Validation and Closure:

For some plaintiffs, having their day in court provides a sense of justice and closure that a settlement cannot. The opportunity to present your case and have a jury recognize the harm done can be personally validating.

The Cons of Going to Trial

  1. Lengthy Process:

Trials are often lengthy, involving multiple stages, such as discovery, pre-trial motions, and the trial itself. This can prolong the time before you receive compensation and extend the period of uncertainty.

  1. High Costs:

Legal fees for trials can be substantial, including costs for expert witnesses, court reporters, and other trial-related expenses. These costs can add up quickly, potentially eating into your final compensation.

  1. Unpredictability:

Trials are inherently unpredictable. Despite having a strong case, there’s always a risk of losing or receiving a lower-than-expected award. Jury decisions can be influenced by various factors, and the final verdict is out of your control.

Pros and Cons of Personal Injury Claims

Choosing between settling a personal injury case and going to trial is a significant decision that should be made after careful consideration of the pros and cons. Settling can offer a faster, less stressful resolution with lower costs, but might result in lower compensation. Going to trial can potentially yield higher awards and public accountability, but comes with greater risk, higher costs, and a longer timeline. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific situation, helping you make the best choice for your circumstances.


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