Traffic Violation Attorney in Middlesex County, NJ

Traffic Violations

Defending clients against traffic tickets

If you are issued a traffic ticket in the state of New Jersey, you are facing a variety of penalties. Speeding tickets come with fines and points to your license that can impact insurance premiums. If you are caught speeding over a certain amount, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or driving your car with a willful or wanton disregard for others on the road, you could face a reckless driving ticket that comes with serious consequences. If you are caught using your cell phone or another electronic device without the assistance of hands-free technology or caught driving without a license, you need to contact a firm to help you fight this ticket. The Law Firm of Andrew S. Maze, Esq. in Woodbridge, NJ has over 25 years of experience defending clients against a multitude of traffic violations. If you need our quality legal support, contact our firm for an initial consultation.


If you are pulled over because of a traffic violation, you face various fines and penalties that depend on your infraction. New Jersey law enforcement is proactive and aggressive when handling moving violations and speeding is no exception. Depending on your speed, you could face between 2 and 5 points that will be on your record for years. Points on your record often impact your insurance. This leaves you with high insurance payments that will further financially burden you after paying the initial penalties.

Reckless Driving

Many traffic tickets come with small fines and are minor infractions. When a person drives a vehicle irresponsibly, they may be subject to a reckless driving ticket that depends on the situation, including factors like if the person was under the influence, speeding to a certain extent, and if the person put others at risk. Reckless driving is one of the most serious tickets you can get in New Jersey. Law enforcement is proactive regarding keeping the roadways safe.

Cell Phone Violation

Cell phones have become such a huge part of peoples’ lives. When once a cell phone could only make calls, it seems like cell phones can do almost anything that can be done on a computer. Cell phones can make calls, send and receive emails and text messages, surf the web, help the driver navigate and much more. As the abilities of our cell phones increase, people have been using their phones while they drive at an alarming rate. When people use their cell phones while driving, it puts everyone in danger.

Driving without a license

It is illegal to drive without a license in our country and New Jersey is no exception. Having a license suspended, revoked or never having one at all bars you from being able to operate a motor vehicle. Most people without a valid license will follow the law and not drive. When a person is caught driving without a license, they face a large fine and the possibility of jail time. It is important to contact an attorney to discuss your matter. It is also important to note that courts are a bit more lenient towards those who have never had a license than those who willfully operated a car after knowingly having a license suspended or revoked.

Understanding NJ’s Traffic Violations Point System

NJSA Section Offense Points
27:23-29 Moving against traffic on the NJ Turnpike, GSP, or Atlantic City Expressway 2
27:23-29 Improper Passing on the NJ Turnpike, GSP, or Atlantic City Expressway 4
27:23-29 Unlawful use of median strip on the NJ Turnpike, GSP, or Atlantic City Expressway 2
39:3-20 Operating a construction vehicle at more than 45 mph 3
39:4-14.3 Operating a motorized bike on a restricted highway 2
39:4-14.3d Operating a motorized bicycle with more than one person 2
39:4-35 Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk 2
39:4-36 Passing a vehicle yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk 2
39:4-41 Driving through a safety zone 2
39:4-52 Racing on a highway 5
39:4-55 Improper action or omission on grades and curves 2
39:4-57 Failure to observe the direction of an officer 2
39:4-66 Failure to stop vehicle before crossing sidewalk 2
39:4-66.1 Failure to yield to pedestrians or vehicles while entering/exiting highway 2
39:4-66.2 Driving on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal 2
39:4-71 Operating a motor vehicle on a sidewalk 2
39:4-80 Failure to obey the direction of an officer 2
39:4-81 Failure to observe traffic signals (except red light camera violations) 2
39:4-82 Failure to keep right 2
39:4-82.1 Improper operation of a vehicle on divided highway or divider 2
39:4-83 Failure to keep right at an intersection 2
39:4-84 Failure to pass to the right of a vehicle that is proceeding in the opposite direction 5
39:4-85 Improper passing on the right or off the roadway 4
39:4-85.1 Driving the wrong way on a one-way street 2
39:4-86 Improper passing in a no-passing zone 4
39:4-87 Failure to yield to overtaking vehicle 2
39:4:88 Failure to observe traffic lanes 2
39:4-89 Tailgaiting 5
39:4-90 Failure to yield at intersection 2
39:4-90.1 Failure to use proper entrances to limited access highways 2
39:4-91-92 Failure to yield to emergency vehicles 2
39:4-96 Reckless driving 5
39:4-97 Careless Driving 2
39:4-97a Destruction of agricultural or recreational property 2
39:4-97.1 Slow speed blocking traffic 2
39:4-97.2 Driving in an unsafe manner 4
39:4-98 Driving 1-14 mph over the speed limit 2
39:4-98 Driving 15-29 mph over the speed limit 4
39:4-98 Driving 30 mph or more over the speed limit 5
39:4-105 Failure to stop for a traffic light 2
39:4-115 Improper turn at traffic light 3
39:4-119 Failure to stop at a flashing red light 2
39:4-122 Failure to stop for police whistle 2
39:4-123 Improper right or left turn 3
39:4-124 Improper turn from approved turning course 3
39:4-125 Improper U-turn 3
39:4-126 Failure to give proper signal 2
39:4-127 Improper backing or turning in street 2
39:4-127.1 Improper crossing of railroad grade crossing 2
39:4-127.2 Improper crossing of bridge 2
39:4-128 Improper crossing of railroad grade crossing by certain vehicles 2
39:4-128.1 Improper passing of a school bus 5
39:4-128.4 Improper passing of a frozen dessert truck 4
39:4-129 Leaving the scene of an accident with no injuries 2
39:4-129 Leaving the scene of an accident with injuries 8
39:4-144 Failure to observe stop signs or yield signs 2
39:5C-1 Racing on a highway 5
39:5D-4 Moving violation committed out of state 2

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