When you are injured in a car accident in New Jersey, all of your injuries will be paid by your Personal Injury Protection, known as PIP coverage, through your insurance policy. Personal Injury Protection is also called no-fault coverage. You usually do not have to pay out of pocket, usually, the insurance company will pay for those bills less a copay and a deductible. If you have health insurance, they will often pick up those copays and deductibles. If not, you may need to pay those bills, or we can sometimes pay those bills out of the settlement. If you do not own a car, then it’s your family members that you live with or perhaps the car that you’re in, depending on your circumstances, that insurance will often pick up your medical bills the same way someone’s car insurance would pick up their bills if they own the car.
Personal Injury Protection has two parts. The first part to PIP is medical expense coverage which is coverage for the cost of the treatment of your injuries that has occurred in a hospital or from a doctor outside of the hospital. There is also additional PIP coverage which is the reimbursement of any other expenses that have come about as a result of your injury. This can assist a person who has not been able to work as a result of their injury or it can reimburse an injured person who might need to hire somebody to take care of their home. For example, if you have temporarily lost mobility as a result of your injuries and may need to hire a housekeeper for a few weeks, additional personal injury protection coverage can help you.
If you are in need of experienced legal counsel in New Jersey, please contact The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze for any criminal and personal injury matters.