How is Personal Injury Protection useful?

Motor vehicle accidents happen on a regular basis due to a variety of causes. When these accidents occur, they not only cause damage to a car but they can cause serious injuries to individuals that were inside the cars. These injuries can result in medical bills that can become quite expensive. Due to this, it […]

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What should I do when I get a workplace injury?

If you have been injured in the workplace, it is essential that you tell your supervisor or boss as soon as possible. You should make sure that you only seek medical treatment from doctors approved under your employer’s insurance plan. It is essential that your employer reports your accident to their insurance company as soon […]

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Recoverable Damages in a Personal Injury Case

When you have been injured in an accident, you may want to bring a lawsuit against the other party and sue them for damages. There are a lot of different damages that may be recoverable in your personal injury case. It is important to note that you will need an experienced personal injury attorney to represent […]

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First Offense Criminal Record

In New Jersey, if you are charged for the very first time with a criminal offense there are a number of diversionary programs that my law office can assist you in getting into. For example, on the municipal court level, there are two programs; one is called Conditional Dismissal, and one is called Conditional Discharge. […]

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NJ Ignition Interlock Devices

In New Jersey, when you are convicted or plead guilty to a driving while intoxicated offense, you may be required to put in your vehicle an ignition interlock device. It’s an expensive piece of equipment that you have to pay for in order to be installed in your car as well as the monthly fee. […]

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  DUI on Prescription Medication?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is often associated with alcohol or illegal drugs, but did you know that you can also be charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of prescription medication? It's crucial to understand how DUI laws apply to legally prescribed drugs and how to protect…

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  Bicycle Accidents and Your Legal Rights

Bicycle accidents can be devastating, often resulting in serious injuries and significant emotional and financial burdens for victims. If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident, understanding your legal rights and options is crucial for securing the compensation you deserve. You may need experienced legal representation to navigate the legal…

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  Personal Injury Settlements vs. Trials

When you suffer an injury due to someone else’s negligence, pursuing a personal injury claim can help you obtain compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.  The Law Office of Andrew Maze can help you understand these so you can make an informed decision in…

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