Middlesex County, NJ Truck Accident Attorney

Truck Accidents

Representing victims of truck accidents

As we navigate the roads of New Jersey, we are at risk of a collision with motor vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, we share the roads with some careless drivers. When a truck driver is careless, they put many people in jeopardy. When a person is involved in a truck accident, the results can be catastrophic. The chance that a person would suffer from serious injury rises dramatically in a truck accident. Truck drivers are responsible for operating their vehicles safely and within the law according to federal regulations. When a truck driver does not follow the law, every driver is at risk. If you were seriously injured in a truck accident, you have a lot to consider about your legal rights and your future. If your injuries exceed the coverage of your personal injury protection (PIP), you may have to consider your legal options. If you need a law firm to assess your case and passionately represent your needs, contact The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze, Esq. for a consultation.

What factors lead to truck accidents

Unfortunately, truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons.

Deadlines from employers: A truck driver has a stressful job that is compounded by federal regulations that limit their allotted time on the road and employers who want no change in productivity. This leads to serious implications, including trucks who speed to make up distance and overtired workers that are trying to satisfy their employer’s demands.

Poor visibility: Visibility is a major factor that impacts truck drivers. Trucks are large and come with massive blind spots that limit the ability of the driver to see vehicles at their immediate sides. Many incidents occur because a truck driver accidentally pins a vehicle or runs it completely off the road.

Weight of the truck: Another factor that leads to truck accidents is the distance needed to come to a complete stop. Trucks are massive and are often weigh upwards of 80,000 pounds with cargo. With an average length of 45-65 feet, it would take a truck about 525 feet for a truck to come to a complete stop when travelling at higher speeds. That is almost 2 football fields. Without warning, a truck can easily collide with the car in front of it. Most truck drivers allow enough space to react, but not all take the necessary precautions.

Mechanical issues: Aside from those major issues, mechanical problems can also lead to disaster. When a truck breaks down, blows a tire, or worse, the chance for an accident is quite high.

Contact a Middlesex County law firm with truck accident experience

The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze, Esq. has handled countless truck accidents across New Jersey. If you are involved in a truck accident, you may be considering your legal options. In some cases, you may have to sue the truck driver if your injuries surpass the coverage of your insurance. In other cases, you may have to sue a third party that was negligent in the care of the truck that hit you. In any case, contact an experienced law firm that can assess the case, explore your legal options, and effectively represent your needs. If you need quality legal services, contact The Law Offices of Andrew S. Maze, Esq.

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