Workplace injuries used to put all parties involved in a difficult situation. However, laws have been formed to protect the rights of the parties involved. When an employee suffers from a workplace accident, they are not liable for the situation. If they are injured and unable to continue working while they recover, they may be given time off without penalty. This can help to protect their job. However, employers in this situation can be protected as well. When an employee is injured and collects workers’ compensation, an employer cannot be deemed liable for the incident that occurred.
Workers’ compensation is a tool used to provide money to cover expenses that have piled up due to an employee’s accident in the workplace. It can provide economic damages that can cover the cost of medical bills, lost wages and lost future wages. Through workers’ compensation, victims of an accident may also be entitled to benefits including medical care, supplemental benefits, social security benefits and death benefits, along with the above cash benefits. If an employee is not able to work anymore, they may be entitled to long-term benefits that can help them sustain their quality of life. With all these benefits, individuals are able to provide for themselves when they are unable to work. They may not face as serious of a financial situation due to the buildup of medical bills.
What if a third party is involved?
With a third party’s involvement in a workplace accident, employees may be able to seek a different approach. A third party can be held accountable for their participation in the incident and the injuries that the employee endured as a result of the accident. The injured employee is able to seek workers’ compensation. However, if they win a lawsuit against a third party, they may have to pay back the workers’ compensation. This is because the damages won from the lawsuit could cover their expenses and medical bills. Since the third party is not their employer, they are able to file a lawsuit and collect workers’ compensation. If the employee was to sue their employer, they are unable to collect workers’ compensation.
Our firm understands how serious criminal and personal injury cases are. We are prepared to guide you towards a favorable outcome. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel in New Jersey, please contact The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze today for any criminal and personal injury matters.